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Notice a complete description of
Stagecoach below:
- Original Title : Stagecoach
- Movie title in your country : Stagecoach
- Year of movie : 1939
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1939-03-02
- Companies of movie : United Artists,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 96 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.5
- Youtube ID of movie : yccvdXoHubI
- Translation of movie : ES,DE,FR,PT,ZH,PL,DA,EL,RO,EN,PT,RU,IT,TR,NL,HU,HE,
- Cast of movie :Elvira Rios (Yakima (uncredited)), Brenda Fowler (Mrs. Gatewood), Andy Devine (Buck), Danny Borzage ((uncredited)), Cornelius Keefe (Capt. Whitney), Merrill McCormick (Ogler), John Wayne (The Ringo Kid), Jim Mason (Jim - Tonto Express Agent), Johnny Eckert (Small Role (uncredited)), Theodore Lorch (Lordsburg Express Agent), Tex Driscoll (Bit Part (uncredited)), George Bancroft (Marshal Curly Wilcox), Chris-Pin Martin (Chris (uncredited)), Claire Trevor (Dallas), Fritzi Brunette (Bit Part (uncredited)), Chuck Stubbs ((uncredited)), Tom Tyler (Luke Plummer), Hank Worden (Cavalryman Extra (uncredited)), Mickey Simpson ((uncredited)), William Hopper (Sergeant (uncredited)), Helen Gibson (Girl in Saloon), Bryant Washburn (Capt. Simmons), Mary Kathleen Walker (Lucy's Infant), Steve Clemente (Bit (uncredited)), Florence Lake (Mrs. Nancy Whitney), Buddy Roosevelt (Rancher), Nora Cecil (Boone's Landlady), Donald Meek (Samuel Peacock), Tim Holt (Lt. Blanchard), Whitehorse (Indian Chief (uncredited)), Thomas Mitchell (Doc Josiah Boone), Artie Ortego (Lordsburg Bar Patron), Marga Ann Deighton (Mrs. Pickett (uncredited)), Jack Pennick (Bartender in Tonto (uncredited)), Louise Platt (Lucy Mallory), Leonard Trainor (Small Role), Walter McGrail (Capt. Sickel), J.P. McGowan ((uncredited)), Bill Cody (Rancher (uncredited)), Berton Churchill (Ellsworth H. Gatewood), Louis Mason (Tonto Sheriff), Si Jenks (Bartender), Ed Brady (Lordsburg Saloon Owner (uncredited)), Francis Ford (Billy Pickett (uncredited)), Al Lee (Small Role), Duke R. Lee (Lordsburg Sheriff), Jack Curtis (Bartender (uncredited)), Franklyn Farnum (Deputy Frank (uncredited)), Patricia Doyle (Bit Part (uncredited)), Wiggie Blowne (Bit Part (uncredited)), Ted Billings (Bit Part (uncredited)), Joe Rickson (Ike Plummer), Yakima Canutt (Cavalry Scout (uncredited)), Jack Mohr (Small Role), Vester Pegg (Hank Plummer), John Carradine (Hatfield), Harry Tenbrook (Telegraph Operator (uncredited)), Paul McVey (Pony Express Agent (uncredited)), Chris Phillips (Small Role), Robert Homans (Ed - Editor), Dorothy Appleby (Girl in Saloon (uncredited)), Kent Odell (Billy Pickett Jr), Chief John Big Tree (Indian Scout (uncredited)), Woody Strode (Man in Saloon (uncredited))
Danger holds the reins as the devil cracks the whip! Desperate men! Frontier women! Rising above their pasts in a West corrupted by violence and gun-fire!0031971
Stagecoach is one movie manufacured by United Artists, which has a description of the movie is "A simple stagecoach trip is complicated by the fact that Geronimo is on the warpath in the area. The passengers on the coach include a drunken doctor, two women, a bank manager who has taken off with his client's money, and the famous Ringo Kid, among others.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and best starring actors.
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Music : Louis Gruenberg, First Assistant Camera : James V. King, Assistant Director : Wingate Smith, Stunts : Iron Eyes Cody, Editor : Dorothy Spencer, Assistant Director : Lowell J. Farrell, Stunts : Henry Wills, Makeup Artist : Norbert A. Myles, Executive Producer : Walter Wanger, Writer : Ben Hecht, Sound Designer : Frank Maher, Casting : Lee Bradley, Stunts : David Sharpe, Producer : John Ford, Production Manager : Daniel Keefe, Stunt Coordinator : Yakima Canutt, Special Effects : Ray Binger, Still Photographer : Ned Scott, Stunts : Johnny Eckert, Screenplay : Dudley Nichols, Art Direction : Wiard Ihnen, Story : Ernest Haycox, Costume Design : Walter Plunkett, Director of Photography : Bert Glennon, Music : John Leipold, Music : Leo Shuken, Sound Effects Editor : Robert Parrish, Camera Intern : Cliff Shirpser, Second Unit : Yakima Canutt, Editor : Otho Lovering, Original Music Composer : Gerard Carbonara, Music Director : Boris Morros, Director : John Ford, Art Direction : Alexander Toluboff, Stunts : Ken CooperYes, now you can watch movie associated with
Stagecoach completely length and get the hyperlink to this movie
Stagecoach in High Definition Quality.
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