Play Streaming Apache Woman in Best Video Format. Watch Full Movie Apache Woman in Best Quality. Download Movie Apache Woman in HD Quality. Online Streaming Apache Woman in Best Look Video Format. Play Movie Apache Woman in High Definition Format.
You can understand a complete description of Apache Woman below:
- Original Title : Una donna chiamata Apache
- Movie title in your country : Apache Woman
- Year of movie : 1976
- Genres of movie : Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1976-12-10
- Companies of movie : National Cinematografica, Zenith Cinematografica,
- Countries of movie : Italy,
- Language of movie : Italiano,
- Durationof movie : 85 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5
- Youtube ID of movie : BqfBdKtrNRU
- Translation of movie : DE,EN,PL,ES,NL,IT,
- Cast of movie :Clara Hopf (Sunsirahe), Piero Mazzinghi (The Preacher Masters), Raul Cabrera (Sunsirahè's brother), Federico Boido (Keith), Nadir Brown (Indian), Al Cliver (Tommy), Corrado Olmi (Honest Jeremy), Rocco Oppedisano (Frankie), Enrico Chiappafreddo (Palmer), Ely Galleani (The Preacher's Daughter)
Apache Woman is one movie provided by National Cinematografica, Zenith Cinematografica, which has a description of the movie is "Tommy is an innocent cavalry officer who falls in love with a beautiful Apache woman after rescuing her from a nasty gun smuggler named Honest Jeremy. When Jeremy and his gang find Tommy, gruesome violence ensues.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Director of Photography : Sergio Rubini, Director : Giorgio Mariuzzo, Producer : Enzo Doria, Makeup Artist : Anchise Pieralli, Camera Operator : Ezio Bellani, Gaffer : Stefano Grassini, Sound Engineer : Alfredo Fabretti, Music : Fiamma Maglione, Continuity : Carla Cocca, Writer : Antonio Racioppi, Editor : Mario Morra, Writer : Giorgio Mariuzzo, Music : Roberto Donati
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Tags: officer, apache, love, native american, gang, violence, smuggler, spaghetti western, cavalry,