Online Streaming Support Your Local Sheriff in High Definition Format. Play Streaming Support Your Local Sheriff in High Definition Quality. Full Streaming Support Your Local Sheriff in HD Quality. Watch Streaming Support Your Local Sheriff in High Quality. Download Movie Support Your Local Sheriff in Top Quality.
You will realise a full description of Support Your Local Sheriff below:
- Original Title : Support Your Local Sheriff
- Movie title in your country : Support Your Local Sheriff
- Year of movie : 1969
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1969-03-26
- Companies of movie : Cherokee Productions, Three Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 92 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.8
- Youtube ID of movie : Icxh5FMcQRE
- Translation of movie : IT,EN,DE,ES,FR,PT,HE,CA,CS,RU,TR,
- Actors of movie :Henry Jones (Henry Jackson), Richard Hoyt (Gunfighter Hired by Danby (uncredited)), Jack Lilley (Danby Family Member (uncredited)), Bill Catching (Brawler at Emma's (uncredited)), Willis Bouchey (Thomas Devery), Dick Peabody (Luke Danby), James Garner (Jason McCullough), Chubby Johnson (Brady), Dick Haynes (Bartender), Richard Alden ((uncredited)), Harry Morgan (Olly Perkins), Jack Elam (Jake), Bruce Dern (Joe Danby), Roydon Clark (Brawler at Emma's (uncredited)), Robert Anderson (Man at Kate's Eatery (uncredited)), Marilyn Jones (Bordello Girl at Madame Orr's House (uncredited)), Kathleen Freeman (Mrs. Danvers), Duke Fishman (Townsman (uncredited)), John Daheim (Brawler at Emma's (uncredited)), Gene Evans (Tom Danby), Gene Coogan (Gunman in Saloon (uncredited)), Walter Burke (Fred Johnson), Walter Brennan (Pa Danby), Danny Borzage (Accordionist at Funeral (uncredited)), Joan Hackett (Prudy Perkins)
Support Your Local Sheriff is the most effective movie manufacured by Cherokee Productions, Three Pictures, using description of the movie is "A quick-witted drifter wanders into a lawless town in the midst of a gold rush. Shocked by the prices of food and meals he reluctantly takes the job of sheriff by amazing the Mayor with his lightning quick, dead eye pistol accuracy. He makes the town council know that he is really just passing through on his way to Australia and he will pull up and leave anytime he chooses (including at the first sign of real trouble). His first day on the job he takes on the biggest, meanest ranching family and meets his klutzy love interest.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Stunts : Bill Catching, Director : Burt Kennedy, Stunts : Steven Burnett, Stunts : Denny Arnold, Set Decoration : Hugh Hunt, Director of Photography : Harry Stradling Jr., Producer : William Bowers, Stunts : Boyd 'Red' Morgan, Stunts : Jack Lilley, Assistant Director : Ray DeCamp, Stunts : John Daheim, Assistant Director : David Hawks, Special Effects : Marcel Vercoutere, Stunts : Roydon Clark, Screenplay : William Bowers, Original Music Composer : Jeff Alexander, Editor : George W. Brooks, Art Direction : Leroy Coleman
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