Full Streaming White Comanche in HD Video. Watch Full Movie White Comanche in High Quality. Play Streaming White Comanche in High Quality Video. Download Full White Comanche in Best Quality. Play Movie White Comanche in High Definition Quality.
You will observe a complete description of White Comanche below:
- Original Title : Comanche blanco
- Movie title in your country : White Comanche
- Year of movie : 1968
- Genres of movie : Action, Foreign, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1968-12-23
- Companies of movie : Producciones Cinematográficas A.B.,
- Countries of movie : Spain,
- Language of movie : Español,
- Durationof movie : 94 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.3
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : PT,EN,DE,ES,NL,
- Actors of movie :William Shatner (Johnny Moon / Notah), Barta Barri (Major Bolker), Rosanna Yanni (Kelly), Joseph Cotten (Sheriff Logan), Mariano Vidal Molina (General Garcia), Perla Cristal (White Fawn), Luis Prendes (Grimes), Víctor Israel (Carter)
White Comanche is the right movie excreted by Producciones Cinematográficas A.B., with the use of a description of the movie is "William Shatner plays two roles: cowboy Johnny Moon and his ruthless Indian twin brother, Notah. Notah likes peyote and gets the crazy idea that he's the Comanche messiah sent to lead the Comanche nation against the white man but more specifically the dusty desert town of Rio Hondo. Moon, estranged from his brother, decides to stop Notah either by words or by bullets.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and finest starring actors.
Any first learn about this movie I'm not entirely sure if I much like the idea or no. After watching it I steal to speak that I really appreciate. I extremely recommend this movie for those who appreciate the genre Action, Foreign, Western, . It would be better to watch it as a gift just clicking a button and register, it's possible to watch numerous latest movie titles for free of charge.
Writer : Robert I. Holt, Producer : Sam White, Editor : Javier Morán, Cinematography : Francisco Fraile, Original Music Composer : Jean Ledrut, Editor : Gaby Peñalba, Director : José Briz Méndez, Producer : Vicente Gómez, Writer : Frank Gruber, Producer : Bruce Yorke, Editor : Nicholas Wentworth, Producer : Philip N. Krasne
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