Watch Full Movie No Name on the Bullet in High Quality. Download Movie No Name on the Bullet in Best Quality. Play Streaming No Name on the Bullet in HD Format. Play Movie No Name on the Bullet in Top Quality. Online Streaming No Name on the Bullet in HD Quality.
You get a complete description of No Name on the Bullet below:
- Original Title : No Name on the Bullet
- Movie title in your country : No Name on the Bullet
- Year of movie : 1959
- Genres of movie : Action, Thriller, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1959-02-01
- Companies of movie : Universal International Pictures (UI),
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 77 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.6
- Youtube ID of movie : QrPWfqVuISM
- Translation of movie : PT,FR,IT,DE,EN,ES,NL,
- Cast of movie :Joan Evans (Anne Benson), Audie Murphy (John Gant), Edgar Stehli (Judge Benson), Russ Bender (Storekeeper), John Alderson (Chaffee), R. G. Armstrong (Asa Canfield), Charles Watts (Sid), Warren Stevens (Lou Fraden), Whit Bissell (Pierce), Virginia Grey (Roseanne Fraden), Willis Bouchey (Buck Hastings), Charles Drake (Luke Canfield), Karl Swenson (Stricker), Simon Scott (Reeger), Jerry Paris (Harold Miller)
No Name on the Bullet is a better movie created by Universal International Pictures (UI), with the help of a description of the movie is "Cool, cultured John Gant rides into Lordsburg. Gant is a professional killer, and although no one knows who he is there to kill, they are all worried. Everyone has enemies, and maybe Gant is in town for them. While they wait for him to make his move, paranoia starts taking over... Written by Ken Yousten John Gant, hired assassin rides into town. No one is sure of the identity of his intended victim. Townsfolk have shady pasts that make each one believe that John Gant is there to kill them. While each townsperson is falling apart from guilt, Gant is waiting in the hotel but is still given the blame for the shootings and the suicide of the Banker. Written by Carol Johnson". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and best starring actors.
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Story : Howard Amacker, Editor : Frank Gross, Producer : Jack Arnold, Set Decoration : Russell A. Gausman, Costume Design : Bill Thomas, Makeup Artist : Bud Westmore, Director : Jack Arnold, Producer : Howard Christie, Set Decoration : Ted Driscoll, Music : Herman Stein, Screenplay : Gene L. Coon, Art Direction : Robert Emmet Smith, Art Direction : Alexander Golitzen, Hairstylist : Larry Germain, Director of Photography : Harold Lipstein
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