Full Movie Streaming Massacre Time in High Definition Quality. Watch Streaming Massacre Time in Top Video Format. Online Streaming Massacre Time in Best Look Video Format. Play Movie Massacre Time in Best Quality. Download Full Massacre Time in High Quality Video.
Becomes clear total description of Massacre Time below:
- Original Title : Le colt cantarono la morte e fu... tempo di massacro
- Movie title in your country : Massacre Time
- Year of movie : 1966
- Genres of movie : Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1966-08-10
- Companies of movie : Mega Film, I.F. Produzioni Cinematografiche,
- Countries of movie : Italy,
- Language of movie : Italiano,
- Durationof movie : 92 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.1
- Youtube ID of movie : 3Bvy6iL8TZo
- Translation of movie : PT,NL,RU,FR,DE,HU,EN,ES,
- Cast of movie :Aysanoa Runachagua (Sonko), George Hilton (Jeffrey Corbett), Tom Felleghy (Murray), Franco Morici (), Giuseppe Addobbati (Mr. Scott), Tchang Yu (Undertaker), Nino Castelnuovo (Jason 'Junior' Scott), Rina Franchetti (Mercedes), Franco Nero (Tom Corbett), Linda Sini (Brady)
Massacre Time is a better movie excreted by Mega Film, I.F. Produzioni Cinematografiche, utilizing a description of the movie is "In 1866 New Mexico, Tom Corbett is a prospector who is called back to his hometown in Laramie Town, Texas at the bequest of a old family friend. Tom arrives in the town to see it under the control of a ruthless and greedy gangster named Jason Scott, who's psychotic and murder-crazed son, Junior Scott, runs it with fear with a posse of thugs who kill anyone who protests their business tactics. Tom finds his brother Jeff, a drunkard looked after by their family maid Mercedes. Tom then tries to persuade Jeff to help him take down the sadistic Scotts so the town can rest easy in peace and harmony again.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and greatest starring actors.
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Producer : Oreste Coltellacci, Screenplay : Fernando Di Leo, Camera Operator : Gastone Di Giovanni, Art Direction : Sergio Canevari, Director : Lucio Fulci, Story : Fernando Di Leo, Editor : Ornella Micheli, Original Music Composer : Coriolano Gori, Cinematography : Riccardo Pallottini
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Tags: spaghetti western, crushed hand,