Watch Full Movie Circus World in HD Video. Play Streaming Circus World in High Quality. Full Movie Streaming Circus World in Top Video Format. Play Movie Circus World in Best Video Format. Online Streaming Circus World in Best Look Video Format.
You can understand a full description of Circus World below:
- Original Title : Circus World
- Movie title in your country : Circus World
- Year of movie : 1964
- Genres of movie : Western, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1964-06-25
- Companies of movie : Samuel Bronston Productions,
- Countries of movie : Spain, United States of America,
- Language of movie : English, Français,
- Durationof movie : 135 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.1
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : JA,PT,EN,DE,IT,EL,HE,FR,HU,ES,
- Cast of movie :Lloyd Nolan (Cap Carson), Margaret MacGrath (Anna), Richard Conte (Aldo Alfredo), Rita Hayworth (Lili Alfredo), John Smith (Steve McCabe), Wanda Rotha (Mrs. Schuman), John Wayne (Matt Masters), Claudia Cardinale (Toni Alfredo), Katherine Kath (Hilda)
Circus World is the best movie provided by Samuel Bronston Productions, by using a description of the movie is "Circus owner Matt Masters is beset by disasters as he attempts a European tour of his circus. At the same time, he is caught in an emotional bind between his adopted daughter and her mother.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and best starring actors.
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Casting : Maude Spector, Makeup Artist : Mario Van Riel, Director of Photography : Jack Hildyard, Editor : Dorothy Spencer, Costume Design : Renié, Director : Henry Hathaway, Original Music Composer : Dimitri Tiomkin, Screenplay : Ben Hecht, Production Design : John DeCuir, Assistant Director : José López Rodero, Producer : Samuel Bronston, Story : Nicholas Ray
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