Full Streaming Rebel in Town in HD Video. Download Full Rebel in Town in HD Quality. Download Movie Rebel in Town in Best Video Format. Watch Streaming Rebel in Town in Top Quality. Online Streaming Rebel in Town in High Definition Quality.
Becomes clear a full description of Rebel in Town below:
- Original Title : Rebel in Town
- Movie title in your country : Rebel in Town
- Year of movie : 1956
- Genres of movie : Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1956-07-30
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie :
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 78 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,
- Cast of movie :John Payne (John Willoughby), J. Carrol Naish (Bedloe Mason), Ben Cooper (Gray Mason), Ruth Roman (Nora Willoughby)
Rebel in Town method to stay movie excreted by utilizing a description of the movie is "Ex-Confederate Bedloe Mason and his four sons ride into a small Western town with robbery in mind. Hearing a suspicious "click," Wes Mason whirls and shoots dead a boy playing with a cap pistol. The Mason clan then flees but Gray Mason, feeling remorse, decides to return to the town. He winds up at the home of John and Nora Willoughby who, unknown to him, are parents of the dead boy. Nora recognizes him as one of the Confederates but keeps quiet, wishing to avoid more violence. However, when John learns of Gray's true identity, he determines to avenge his son's death". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Director : Alfred L. Werker
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