Full Movie Streaming The Mississippi Gambler in Top Quality. Full Streaming The Mississippi Gambler in Best Look Video Format. Watch Streaming The Mississippi Gambler in High Definition Quality. Play Streaming The Mississippi Gambler in Best Quality. Watch Full Movie The Mississippi Gambler in HD Format.
You will observe a full description of The Mississippi Gambler below:
- Original Title : The Mississippi Gambler
- Movie title in your country : The Mississippi Gambler
- Year of movie : 1953
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Romance, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1953-01-13
- Companies of movie : Universal Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 99 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,IT,ES,
- Actors of movie :Frank Wilcox (Judge (uncredited)), Dennis Weaver (Julian Conant (uncredited)), Guy Williams (Andre Brion), Ralph Dumke (F. Montague Caldwell), Anita Ekberg (Maid of Honor (uncredited)), William Reynolds (Andre Brion), Piper Laurie (Angelique 'Leia' Dureau), John Baer (Laurent Dureau), Tyrone Power (Mark Fallon), Ron Randell (George Elwood), William Reynolds (Pierre Loyette), Angela Stevens (Girl (uncredited)), Paul Cavanagh (Edmond Dureau), Hugh Beaumont (Kennerly (uncredited)), Jack Perrin (Onlooker at Julian (uncredited)), Julie Adams (Ann Conant (as Julia Adams)), John McIntire (Kansas John Polly), Robert Warwick (Gov. Paul Monet)
The Mississippi Gambler is the ideal movie manufacured by Universal Pictures, along with a description of the movie is "Mark Fallon, with partner Kansas John Polly, tries to introduce honest gambling on the riverboats. His first success makes enemies of the crooked gamblers and of fair Angelique Dureau, whose necklace he won. Later in New Orleans, Mark befriends Angelique's father, but she still affects to despise him as his gambling career brings him wealth. Duelling, tragedy, and romantic complications follow.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and greatest starring actors.
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Director : Rudolph Maté, Screenplay : Seton I. Miller
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Tags: gambling, new orleans, riverboat,