Watch Full Movie Giant in HD Video. Full Streaming Giant in High Quality Video. Download Movie Giant in High Definition Format. Online Streaming Giant in HD Format. Full Movie Streaming Giant in Best Video Format.
Now you can see total description of Giant below:
- Original Title : Giant
- Movie title in your country : Giant
- Year of movie : 1956
- Genres of movie : Action, Drama, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1956-10-10
- Companies of movie : Warner Bros.,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English, Español,
- Durationof movie : 201 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.3
- Youtube ID of movie : elMP6PqGBo0
- Translation of movie : FR,EN,DE,KO,ES,ZH,HU,EL,CS,DA,PT,IT,PT,HE,TR,
- Cast of movie :Carolyn Craig (Lacey Lynnton), Ray Whitley (Watts), Chill Wills (Uncle Bawley), Jane Withers (Vashti Synthe), Earl Holliman ('Bob' Dace), Paul Fix (Dr. Horace Lynnton), Mickey Simpson (Sarge), Elsa Cárdenas (Juana Guerra Benedict), Mercedes McCambridge (Luz Benedict), Judith Evelyn (Mrs. Nancy Lynnton), Noreen Nash (Lona Lane), Pilar Del Rey (Mrs. Obregón), James Dean (Jett Rink), Robert Nichols (Mort 'Pinky' Snythe), Sheb Wooley (Gabe Target), Monte Hale (Bale Clinch), Mary Ann Edwards (Adarene Clinch), Alexander Scourby (Old Polo), Rock Hudson (Jordan "Bick" Benedict Jr.), Fran Bennett (Judy Benedict), Sal Mineo (Angel Obregón II), Elizabeth Taylor (Leslie Lynnton Benedict), Carroll Baker (Luz Benedict II), Victor Millan (Angel Obregón Sr.), Maurice Jara (Dr. Guerra), Rod Taylor (Sir David Karfrey), Charles Watts (Judge Oliver Whiteside), Dennis Hopper (Jordan "Jordy" Benedict III), Napoleon Whiting (Jefferson Swazey)
Giant is better movie created by Warner Bros., with the help of a description of the movie is "Sprawling epic covering the life of a Texas cattle rancher and his family and associates.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and best starring actors.
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Producer : George Stevens, Director : George Stevens, Producer : Henry Ginsberg, Novel : Edna Ferber, Production Design : Boris Leven, Makeup Artist : Gordon Bau, Music : Dimitri Tiomkin, Screenplay : Fred Guiol, Costume Design : Marjorie Best, Editor : William Hornbeck, Screenplay : Ivan Moffat, Sound Designer : Earl Crain Sr., Set Decoration : Ralph S. Hurst, Director of Photography : William C. Mellor
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