Play Streaming Annie Oakley in HD Quality. Online Streaming Annie Oakley in High Definition Quality. Full Streaming Annie Oakley in Best Look Video Format. Watch Full Movie Annie Oakley in HD Format. Play Movie Annie Oakley in HD Video.
Becomes clear an extensive description of Annie Oakley below:
- Original Title : Annie Oakley
- Movie title in your country : Annie Oakley
- Year of movie : 1935
- Genres of movie : Drama, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1935-11-15
- Companies of movie : RKO Radio Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 90 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.5
- Youtube ID of movie : hcsvRMIpsy8
- Translation of movie : IT,EN,ES,FR,
- Actors of movie :Adeline Craig (Susan Oakley), Andy Clyde (James MacIvor), Melvyn Douglas (Jeff Hogarth), Chief Thunderbird (Sitting Bull (as Chief Thunder Bird)), Pert Kelton (Vera Delmar), Margaret Armstrong (Mrs. Oakley), Delmar Watson (Wesley Oakley), Barbara Stanwyck (Annie Oakley), Preston Foster (Toby Walker), Moroni Olsen (Col. William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody)
Annie Oakley is better movie manufacured by RKO Radio Pictures, possessing description of the movie is "Awkward Annie (Barbara Stanwyck) loves her sharpshooting rival (Preston Foster) in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and best starring actors.
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Associate Producer : Cliff Reid, Director of Photography : Harold Wenstrom, Original Music Composer : Alberto Colombo, Assistant Director : James Hartnett, Makeup Artist : Mel Berns, Editor : Jack Hively, Director : George Stevens, Costume Design : Walter Plunkett, Makeup Artist : Robert J. Schiffer, Screenplay : John Twist, Stunts : Bud Geary, Stunts : James Dime, Art Direction : Van Nest Polglase, Screenplay : Joel Sayre, Story : Joseph Fields, Director of Photography : J. Roy Hunt, Story : Ewart Adamson
Of course, now you can view movie regarding Annie Oakley in full length and obtain the link to this film Annie Oakley in High Quality Video.
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