Download Movie Windwalker in High Definition Quality. Watch Full Movie Windwalker in Top Video Format. Watch Streaming Windwalker in High Quality. Download Full Windwalker in Top Quality. Full Movie Streaming Windwalker in HD Format.
You will a full description of Windwalker below:
- Original Title : Windwalker
- Movie title in your country : Windwalker
- Year of movie : 1980
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Drama, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1980-12-12
- Companies of movie : Windwalker, Santa Fe International,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie :
- Durationof movie : 108 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : DE,EN,NL,
- Cast of movie :James Remar (Windwalker (young)), Serene Hedin (Tashina), Nick Ramus (Smiling Wolf / Crow Brother / Narrator), Fredelia Smith (Tashina's mother), Chief Tug Smith (Tashina's father), Silvana Gallardo (Little Feather), Dusty McCrea (Dancing Moon (as Dusty 'Iron Wing' McCrea)), Roberta Deherrera (Happy Wind), Wanni-Omni-Ska-Robideau (Windwalker (age 5)), Emerson John (Spotted Deer), Ivan Naranjo (Crooked Leg), Jason Stevens (Horse That Follows), Trevor Howard (Windwalker)
Windwalker is the best movie excreted by Windwalker, Santa Fe International, that comes with a description of the movie is "An ancient Indian warrior who has reached the end of his life is brought back from his 'death' to save his family from a raiding party of enemy Indians in this unique story of 'Indians without a single cowboy.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Set Decoration : Rick Barker, Editor : Stephen L. Johnson, Casting : Ross Brown, Director : Kieth Merrill, Producer : Douglas G. Johnson, Set Decoration : Richard Jamison, Casting : Hank McCann, Writer : Ray Goldrup, Editor : Janice Hampton, Costume Design : Yvonne Robertson, Cinematography : Reed Smoot, Writer : Blaine Yorgason, Original Music Composer : Merrill B. Jenson, Editor : Peter L. McCrea, Producer : Thomas E. Ballard, Producer : Arthur R. Dubs, Novel : Blaine Yorgason, Production Design : Thomas Pratt
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Tags: mountains, kidnapping, wind, wolf, narration, snow, twins, death, missing son, indigenous peoples,