Play Movie Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys in HD Quality. Download Movie Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys in High Quality. Watch Streaming Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys in High Definition Format. Full Movie Streaming Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys in HD Video. Watch Full Movie Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys in High Definition Quality.
You can see total description of Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys below:
- Original Title : Yahşi Batı
- Movie title in your country : Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys
- Year of movie : 2010
- Genres of movie : Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2010-01-01
- Companies of movie : CMYLMZ Fikirsanat, Böcek Yapım, Fida Film,
- Countries of movie : Turkey,
- Language of movie : Türkçe, English,
- Durationof movie : 120 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.1
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,TR,IT,
- Actors of movie :Cem Yılmaz (Aziz Bey), Ozan Guven (Lemi Bey), Cansu Dere (Mary Lou), Zafer Algöz (Sheriff Lloyd), Demet Evgar (Susan Van Dyke), Özkan Uğur (Chief Kizilkayalar)
Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys method to stay movie created by CMYLMZ Fikirsanat, Böcek Yapım, Fida Film, utilizing a description of the movie is "Two Ottoman government officials travel to USA in 19th Century in order to give gift to President from Sultan of Ottoman.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and greatest starring actors.
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Assistant Art Director : Ahmet Vahapoglu, Dialogue Editor : Fatih Ragbet, Camera Operator : Aydogan Yildiz, Director : Ömer Faruk Sorak, First Assistant Camera : Andac Sahan, Sound Effects Editor : Danton Tanimura, Art Direction : Hakan Yarkın, Set Decoration : Turker Isci, Visual Effects Supervisor : Yves Delforge, Music : Ozan Colakoglu, Assistant Editor : Erdinc Cozen, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Graham Daniel, Costume Design : Gülümser Gürtunca, Producer : Can Yılmaz, Editor : Çagri Türkkan, Director of Photography : Mirsad Herović, Foley : Meltem Baytok Topalakci, Supervising Sound Editor : Burak Topalakci, Foley : Gareth Rhys Jones, Writer : Cem Yılmaz, Dolby Consultant : James Shannon, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Adam Daniel, Sound Editor : Mustafa Durma, Art Direction : Rodin Alper Bingol, Casting : Gokce Doruk Erten
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