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Now you can see an extensive description of My Little Chickadee below:
- Original Title : My Little Chickadee
- Movie title in your country : My Little Chickadee
- Year of movie : 1940
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1940-02-09
- Companies of movie : Universal Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 83 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.3
- Youtube ID of movie : x_Vp23EpguY
- Translation of movie : FR,EN,NL,
- Actors of movie :Charles McMurphy (Townsman), Mae West (Flower Belle Lee), Hank Bell (Townsman), Robert McKenzie (Townsman), John Kelly (Henchman), Joseph Calleia (Jeff Badger), Jimmy Conlin (Squawk Mulligan - Bartender), Bob Burns (Barfly), William Benedict (Lem), Dick Rush (Man), Chester Gan (Chinese Train Passenger), Buster Slaven (Schoolboy), Russell Hall (Candy), Willard Robertson (Uncle John), Danny Jackson (Schoolboy), Edward Hearn (Barfly Drinking Panther), Harlan Briggs (Hotel Clerk), Buddy Harris (Porter), Anne Nagel (Miss Foster - Schoolteacher), Blackie Whiteford (Townsman), Fuzzy Knight (Cousin Zeb), Dick Foran (Wayne Carter), W.C. Fields (Cuthbert J. Twillie), Jackie Searl (Schoolboy), Al Bridge (Barfly Drinking Straight Whiskey), Fay Adler (Mrs. 'Pygmy' Allen), Lane Chandler (Porter), Dorothy Vernon (Diner), Gene Austin (Saloon musician), Twillie's Indian confederate), Clyde Dembeck (Boy on Train), Frank Ellis (Townsman Wanting to Form Posse), Otto Hoffman (Pete - Printer), Bill Wolfe (Barfly in Trance), Joe Whitehead (Townsman), Donald Meek (Amos Budge), Jack Roper (Henchman), Otto Heimel (Coco), Wade Boteler (Leading Citizen), George Melford (Greasewood Sheriff-Elect on Train), Betty Roche (Salvation Army Girl), Addison Richards (Judge), James C. Morton (Train Conductor), William B. Davidson (Sheriff of Little Bend), Eddie Butler (Henchman), Lita Chevret (Indian squaw), Lloyd Ingraham (Townsman Wanting to Form Posse), Jan Duggan (Uppity Little Bend Woman), Vester Pegg (Gambler), Slim Gaut (Bowlegged Man), Delmar Watson (Boy), Ben Hall (Schoolboy), Bob Reeves (Barfly), Margaret Hamilton (Mrs. Gideon), Georgie Billings (Boy), Ruth Donnelly (Aunt Lou), Charles Hart (Schoolboy), Walter McGrail (Townsman), Morgan Wallace (Gambler), Al Ferguson (Train Passenger), Si Jenks (Deputy), Mark Anthony (Townsman), George Moran (Milton, Bing Conley (Henchman)
My Little Chickadee is the right movie manufacured by Universal Pictures, that has a description of the movie is "Set in the American Old West of the 1880s, Miss Flower Belle Lee (Mae West) is on her way to visit relatives out west. While she is traveling on a stagecoach a masked bandit on horseback holds up the stage for its shipment of gold. As he makes his getaway with the gold, he takes Flower Belle with him. Flower Belle then walks into town under suspicion of being in collusion with the bandit.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and greatest starring actors.
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Screenplay : W.C. Fields, Screenplay : Mae West, Director : Edward F. Cline
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Tags: bar, con man, bandit,