Play Movie Monte Walsh in HD Format. Watch Streaming Monte Walsh in High Quality Video. Full Streaming Monte Walsh in High Quality. Play Streaming Monte Walsh in High Definition Quality. Download Movie Monte Walsh in Best Look Video Format.
You will a complete description of Monte Walsh below:
- Original Title : Monte Walsh
- Movie title in your country : Monte Walsh
- Year of movie : 1970
- Genres of movie : Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1970-10-02
- Companies of movie : Cinema Center Films,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 106 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.3
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EL,PT,ES,IT,DE,EN,FR,
- Actors of movie :Charles Tyner (Doctor), Leroy Johnson (Marshal), Matt Clark (Rufus Brady), Henry A. Escalante (Cowboy), John Carter (Farmer), Jack Palance (Chet Rollins), William Graeff Jr. (Bartender), Michael Conrad (Dally Johnson), Billy Green Bush (Powder Kent), William A. Fraker Jr. (Farm boy), Kurtis Roberts (Farm boy), Ted Gehring (Skimpy Eagans), Jeanne Moreau (Martine Bernard), Tom Heaton (Sugar Wyman), Raymond Guth (Sunfish Perkins), Fred Waugh (Cowboy), Eric Christmas (Col. Wilson), Allyn Ann McLerie (Mary Eagle), G. D. Spradlin (Hal Henderson), Richard Farnsworth (Cowboy), Bo Hopkins (Jumpin' Joe Joslin), John McLiam (Fightin' Joe Hooker), Roy Barcroft (Proprietor), Lee Marvin (Monte Walsh), Mitchell Ryan (Shorty Austin), Jack Colvin (Card cheat), Jim Davis (Cal Brennan), John McKee (Petey Williams), Guy Wilkerson (Old man), John Hudkins (Sonny Jacobs)
Monte Walsh is the right movie provided by Cinema Center Films, with the help of a description of the movie is "Monte Walsh is an aging cowboy facing the ending days of the Wild West era. As barbed wire and railways steadily eliminate the need for the cowboy, Monte and his friends are left with fewer and fewer options. New work opportunities are available to them, but the freedom of the open prarie is what they long for. Eventually, they all must say goodbye to the lives they knew, and try to make a new start.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and finest starring actors.
You are currently watching : Monte Walsh from Cinema Center Films, in High Definition Format as well as that should be released located within your Country. Win your favorites instantly movie, on push of a power switch! With the use of an unrestricted capacity of bandwidth and content to stream, watch what you need, whenever you want!
Original Music Composer : John Barry, Producer : Hal Landers, Editor : Richard K. Brockway, Special Effects : George Peckham, Special Effects : Roy Bolton, Novel : Jack Schaefer, Director of Photography : David M. Walsh, Casting : Lynn Stalmaster, Director : William A. Fraker, Art Direction : Ward Preston, Producer : Bobby Roberts, Screenplay : David Zelag Goodman, Editor : Ray Daniels, Production Design : Albert Brenner, Costume Design : Albert Brenner, Editor : Gene Fowler Jr., Set Decoration : Phil Abramson, Screenplay : Lukas Heller, Editor : Robert L. Wolfe, Makeup Artist : Emile LaVigne
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Tags: aging, wild west,