Download Full Stranger on Horseback in High Quality Video. Full Movie Streaming Stranger on Horseback in Best Look Video Format. Full Streaming Stranger on Horseback in Best Video Format. Download Movie Stranger on Horseback in HD Quality. Play Movie Stranger on Horseback in Top Video Format.
You get total description of Stranger on Horseback below:
- Original Title : Stranger on Horseback
- Movie title in your country : Stranger on Horseback
- Year of movie : 1955
- Genres of movie : Romance, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1955-03-22
- Companies of movie : United Artists, Robert Goldstein Productions, Leonard Goldstein,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 66 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5
- Youtube ID of movie : GHYOOtOxcuI
- Translation of movie : ES,FR,IT,EN,DE,
- Actors of movie :John Carradine (Col. Buck Streeter), Emile Meyer (Sheriff Nat Bell), John McIntire (Josiah Bannerman), Robert Cornthwaite (Arnold Hammer), Jaclynne Greene (Paula Morrison (as Jacklyn Green)), George Keymas (Bannerman's Henchman), Walter Baldwin (Vince Webb), Emmett Lynn (Barfly), Joel McCrea (Judge Richard 'Rick' Thorne), Kevin McCarthy (Tom Bannerman), Nancy Gates (Caroline Webb), Roy Roberts (Sam Kettering), Miroslava (Amy Lee Bannerman)
Stranger on Horseback method to stay movie created by United Artists, Robert Goldstein Productions, Leonard Goldstein, along with a description of the movie is "A circuit judge in the old west attempts to bring a suspected killer to justice. The judge runs afoul of the killer's rich cattle baron father in the process.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and finest starring actors.
You are now watching : Stranger on Horseback from United Artists, Robert Goldstein Productions, Leonard Goldstein, in Best Video Format and which also really need to be released as part of your Country. Move your favorites instantly movie, of the push of a mouse! Through use of an unrestricted total bandwidth and content to stream, watch what you would like, for you!
Screenplay : Herb Meadow, Screenplay : Don Martin, Story : Louis L'Amour, Director : Jacques Tourneur
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Tags: judge, justice, killer, cattle baron, suspected,