Download Full Guns of the Timberland in High Definition Format. Play Movie Guns of the Timberland in Top Video Format. Play Streaming Guns of the Timberland in Best Video Format. Watch Full Movie Guns of the Timberland in High Quality. Full Movie Streaming Guns of the Timberland in Best Look Video Format.
You will discover an extensive description of Guns of the Timberland below:
- Original Title : Guns of the Timberland
- Movie title in your country : Guns of the Timberland
- Year of movie : 1960
- Genres of movie : Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1960-02-01
- Companies of movie : Jaguar Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 91 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.5
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : DE,ES,EN,
- Cast of movie :Lyle Bettger (Clay Bell), Gilbert Roland (Monty Walker), Alan Ladd (Jim Hadley), Verna Felton (Aunt Sarah), Jeanne Crain (Laura Riley), Noah Beery, Jr. (Blackie (as Noah Beery)), Regis Toomey (Sheriff Taylor), Frankie Avalon (Bert Harvey), Alana Ladd (Jane Peterson)
Guns of the Timberland is the foremost movie provided by Jaguar Productions, possessing a description of the movie is "Logger Jim Hadley (Alan Ladd) and his lumberjack crew are looking for new forest to cut. They locate a prime prospect outside the town of Deep Wells. The residents of Deep Wells led by Laura Riley (Jeanne Crain) are opposed to the felling of the trees, believing that losing them would cause mudslides during the heavy rains. Conflict between the town's residents and the loggers is inevitable.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and greatest starring actors.
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Writer : Aaron Spelling, Writer : Joseph Petracca, Director : Robert D. Webb, Novel : Louis L'Amour
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Tags: western, shootout, lumberjack,