Full Movie Streaming The Bravados in HD Format. Download Movie The Bravados in Top Video Format. Watch Streaming The Bravados in High Definition Quality. Full Streaming The Bravados in HD Video. Play Movie The Bravados in High Definition Format.
It is clear a complete description of The Bravados below:
- Original Title : The Bravados
- Movie title in your country : The Bravados
- Year of movie : 1958
- Genres of movie : Drama, Action, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1958-06-25
- Companies of movie : Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 98 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.5
- Youtube ID of movie : d_o-vmZ3QTo
- Translation of movie : PT,DE,IT,HU,PT,PL,EN,FR,CS,ES,
- Cast of movie :Kathleen Gallant (Emma Steimmetz), Ken Scott (Primo, Barry Coe (Tom), Deputy Sheriff), Andrew Duggan (Padre), Herbert Rudley (Sheriff Sanchez), Joan Collins (Josefa Velarde), Lee Van Cleef (Alfonso Parral), George Voskovec (Gus Steimmetz), Albert Salmi (Ed Taylor), Stephen Boyd (Bill Zachary), Gene Evans (John Butler), Henry Silva (Lujan), Gregory Peck (Jim Douglass)
The Bravados is better movie manufacured by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, with the use of a description of the movie is "The Bravados is a 1958 western film (color by DeLuxe), directed by Henry King starring Gregory Peck and Joan Collins. The CinemaScope film was based on a novel of the same name written by Frank O'Rourke.Jim Douglas (Gregory Peck) is a rancher who has been pursuing the four outlaws who murdered his wife for six months. He rides into the town of Rio Arriba, where four men, Alfonso Parral (Lee Van Cleef), Bill Zachary (Stephen Boyd), Ed Taylor (Albert Salmi) and Lujan (Henry Silva), fitting the description are in jail awaiting execution, so that he can see the hanging. The town has issued instructions to only allow the hangman (Joe DeRita) to enter, so Jim is taken to Sheriff Eloy Sanchez's (Herbert Rudley) office to state his business. The town has never had an execution before, so they have brought in a man from outside town to do the job. The sheriff allows Jim into the jail to see the men. They claim they had never seen him before, but he has the face of a hunter.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and greatest starring actors.
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Novel : Frank O'Rourke, Director : Henry King, Director of Photography : Leon Shamroy, Original Music Composer : Lionel Newman, Screenplay : Philip Yordan
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