Download Movie BraveStarr: The Legend in HD Video. Full Streaming BraveStarr: The Legend in High Quality Video. Online Streaming BraveStarr: The Legend in HD Quality. Play Movie BraveStarr: The Legend in High Definition Format. Full Movie Streaming BraveStarr: The Legend in Best Look Video Format.
You will discover total description of BraveStarr: The Legend below:
- Original Title : BraveStarr: The Legend
- Movie title in your country : BraveStarr: The Legend
- Year of movie : 1988
- Genres of movie : Animation, Western, Action, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1988-03-18
- Companies of movie : Filmation Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Español, English,
- Durationof movie : 91 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.8
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : ES,EN,RU,DE,
- Cast of movie :Alan Oppenheimer (Handlebar / Outlaw Scuzz / Stampede (voice)), Charlie Adler (Deputy Fuzz / Tex Hex (voice)), Susan Blu (Judge J.B. (voice)), Pat Fraley (Marshall Bravestarr / Thunder Stick (voice))
BraveStarr: The Legend is the ideal movie provided by Filmation Productions, possessing a description of the movie is "Marshall Bravestarr is the lawman of the wild-west planet "New Texas" with help from Thirty-Thirty, his cybernetic talking horse and Deputy Fuzz, his sidekick and Shaman, his mentor. Bravestarr with his special powers fights the outlaw Tex-Hex, the leader of the Carrion Bunch, who are after the mineral Kerium, Bravestarr sets out to set things right and enforce peace and justice on "New Texas".". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Director : Tom Tataranowicz, Writer : Bob Forward, Animation : Tuck Tucker, Color Designer : Maria Gonzalez, Animation : Miri Yoon, Animation : Randy Sanchez, Production Design : Rick Maki, Animation : Larry White
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