Play Movie Old Yeller in HD Format. Watch Full Movie Old Yeller in High Definition Format. Full Streaming Old Yeller in High Definition Quality. Download Movie Old Yeller in Best Video Format. Watch Streaming Old Yeller in Best Look Video Format.
You will notice total description of Old Yeller below:
- Original Title : Old Yeller
- Movie title in your country : Old Yeller
- Year of movie : 1957
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Drama, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1957-12-25
- Companies of movie : Walt Disney Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 83 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.1
- Youtube ID of movie : McSI-8TYPNQ
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,DE,FR,HE,ES,NL,PT,HU,KO,
- Cast of movie :Fess Parker (Jim Coates), Kevin Corcoran (Arliss Coates), Chuck Connors (Sanderson), Dorothy McGuire (Katie Coates), Beverly Washburn (Lisbeth Searcy), Jeff York (Bud Searcy), Tommy Kirk (Travis Coates)
Old Yeller is a reasonable movie excreted by Walt Disney Productions, working with a description of the movie is "Young Travis Coates is left to take care of the family ranch with his mother and younger brother while his father goes off on a cattle drive in the 1860s. When a yellow mongrel comes for an uninvited stay with the family, Travis reluctantly adopts the dog.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and greatest starring actors.
I'd first learn about this movie I'm not entirely sure if I perhaps your idea or possibly not. After watching it I can use to think that I really like. I extremely recommend this movie for those who interested the genre Adventure, Drama, Western, . You may possibly get watch it for nothing by merely clicking submit and register, posssible watch uncountable latest movie titles for nothing.
Screenplay : Fred Gipson, Costume Design : Chuck Keehne, Set Decoration : Emile Kuri, Director of Photography : Charles P. Boyle, Director : Robert Stevenson, Editor : Stanley E. Johnson, Costume Design : Gertrude Casey, Music : Oliver Wallace, Set Decoration : Fred M. MacLean, Sound Recordist : Frank McWhorter, Screenplay : William Tunberg, Art Direction : Carroll Clark
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Tags: ranch, dog, cattle, boy and dog, cattle ranch, 19th century,